Year in, year out, we organize and offer a variety of programs and activities that help to develop children in various aspects of life , these are in the categories listed below;-
Under spiritual, we organize a lot of programs like those on Saturday’s at various children centers. children are closely monitored by there elders and staff to ensure that they grow up spiritually and morally in all aspects of life.
There are praise and worship, fellowship and bible study programs and many more activities all in stoke for our dear children. Children are able to learn how to pray at an early age.
Activities like games are made mandatory to make the children happy and help boost their physical strength and growth. As a result, AMG organizes also inter-project competitions to take the sporting activity to a higher level.
Primary health checks are also conducted especially on Saturday programs to ensure children are clean and smart.
AMG on many occasions has set up seminars and council programs like the Dorcas ministries that help the children to excel in their life and education. Children are able to grow up having a focus and dream in life.
Many bible activities like bible drills help children to ascertain their levels of knowledge in the bible.